PDF Ebook The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night, by Elizabeth Pantley
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The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night, by Elizabeth Pantley
PDF Ebook The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night, by Elizabeth Pantley
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Now available in 3 formats:      Paperback . . . eBook . . . andVideo-enhanced-eBook"Atlong last, a book I can hand to weary parents with confidence that they canlearn to help their baby sleep - without crying it out."-William Sears MD, author of The Baby Book"Elizabeth'sbook speaks to the uniqueness of each family in a loving and knowledgeableway."-James J. McKenna, Ph.D., Director, Mother BabyBehavioral Sleep Center, University of Notre Dame"Finally!A book on sleep that isn't cruel for the baby and yet validates Mom's need forsleep. Elizabeth Pantley has put together the perfect plan which any parent cantailor-make for his or her family."-MaribethDoerr, Creator and editor-in-chief StorkNet  "Abook that deals sensitively with the issue: how to get babies to sleep withoutletting them cry it out."-Tricia Jalbert & Macall Gordon, Attachment Parenting International "Whether baby sleeps in a crib or the familybed, The No-Cry Sleep Solution is full of supportive, encouraging and sensibleideas that respect the needs of both the baby and the parents."-JudyArnall, Founder of the Whole Family Attachment Parenting Association "Elizabeth Pantley's book offers a marvelousbalance between acknowledging the meaningfulness of infant crying and that ofparents' exhaustion. Parents will find confirmation of their suspicion that thecrying of babies should not be ignored, and affirmation of their own power tohelp."-MichaelTrout, Director of TheInfant-Parent Institute, Inc.Â
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From the Author
Through months of research, personal experience, and working with 60 test case families, I have assembled and organized a wide variety of gentle ways to help your baby sleep through the night. The ideas do not involve letting your baby cry -- not even for a minute. You will create a customized plan for your own family based on the ideas, all within a simple and easy-to-follow framework. It's a method that is as gentle and loving as it is effective. I don't believe babies should be left alone to cry themselves to sleep. Or even left to cry as you pop in every 10 minutes to murmur comforting words without reaching out to touch them. But I also know that you can -- gently and lovingly -- help your baby to sleep peacefully all night long. So give The No-Cry Sleep Solution a try, and plan on seeing some wonderful sleep results.
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Product details
Paperback: 254 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition (April 18, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0071381392
ISBN-13: 978-0071381390
Product Dimensions:
5.4 x 0.5 x 8.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 8.5 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
3.9 out of 5 stars
1,639 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#9,032 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Then read this book. She's not giving miracles or quick fixes. Instead she is sharing countless hours of research and experimentation. She doesn't judge, insist or make you feel less-than for the choices you've made in rearing your child. She gives reasonable, doable suggestions on how to make sleep time easier for you (and your child) no matter what age they are at. She also provides tools (log tables) to help you figure out what your patterns are. It is a very sweetly written book that made me feel better instantly. I would highly recommend it to any parent of a newborn-toddler!
Husband and I had been struggling with sleep since our baby was 4 months old. We started to sleep train and it was a disaster. Prior to that baby had always bed shared with us (after spending 3-4 months in a co-sleeper) so it was extremely hard trying to put him in a dark room all by himself. It just did not work. Our son cried for days on end and I really regret doing that.My husband found this book and bought it. I'd also seen it but wasn't impressed with reviews. Anyway, I started reading through it and became greatly encouraged by the authors assessments and advice regarding sleep around my baby's age (10 months at the time). I felt validated in my bed sharing philosophy and also felt like it helped to normalize what we were going through. A lot of websites that want you to buy (literally) into sleep training will pathologize your child's sleep when it isn't pathological! Sure enough, after employing some gentle sleep recommendations from this book, and trusting our mama/papa instincts, we saw results. For us, it was key to cut the night nursing as it was getting out of hand (3-4 times a night at 10 months!). I mean, I wanted to be one of these breastfeeding all night and day mamas but I couldn't function at my new job on the sleep I was getting. Anyway if you need some encouragement and some gentle suggestions then this book is for you. After reading I felt like I knew what to do the whole time and I was now able to listen to those instincts more effectively.
Hands down this book was a lifesaver and the best sleep book I read.My baby had food protein intolerance and she would wake in pain screaming for months. After a torturous elimination diet she went on hypoallergenic formula which helped her, but after months of moving from the Rock and play to bed sharing with tummy discomfort it was just easier to continue that way.Finally moved her from the rock and play to a bassinet around 5 months but she was still spending the majority of the night in my arms until she started army crawling and sitting up. At that point I knew I had to get her in the crib.At about 9 months she's already learned behaviors, a sleep regression is about to start. I knew I was in for it.I did a lot of research and knew CIO wasn't for us. Just to appease some people I actually tried it. Twice by the 15th minute of CIO her crying was so intense she threw up. Nope. no. Nothing about that makes me feel ok.So I tried the Sleep Lady Shuffle. That is ridiculous. It's basically modified CIO. It isn't gentle. You sit in the room while they cry and look right at you and wonder why you're not helping them. I was like, dam, if we're going to do CIO at least let me not be in this room watching her desperate face. I kept thinking I was doing it wrong. I'd try to calm her or put down and she'd feel the crib and start balling. That sleep lady turned the crib and bedtime into a scary monster.This book NO Cry Sleep Solution saved my sanity. I moved the air mattress into her room for 3 weeks. I started out following the bedtime routine and phases. I started laying down holding her which gradually changed to sitting holding, putting her down faster so she's aware of where she is keeping my hands on her in the crib. When she's first wake up I'd get her and lay down with her sometimes I fell asleep in there. Eventually it changed to where I could sit and comfort her and put her back down.Every idea and method in this book made sense to me. It actually is kind and gentle. There is no crying involved. She slept, I slept. She sleeps through the night now in her own crib while I'm in the other room and it only took us 6 weeks to figure out. She's excited during her bedtime routine and by the end she's putting her head down.
I bought this book because I was desperate to help my daughter sleep and use a more gentle approach to sleep training. I was looking for a method that minimized crying but what I learned from the methods outlined in this book was that crying is involved but you are with your child while they cry. I ended up doing the Ferber method and in 2-3 nights we saw a vast improvement. I decided it was better to allow some mild-moderate crying for a few days rather than have her cry on and off for a few weeks. In the long run I think our method allowed for less crying overall. Also, I was trying to read this book on my phone in the middle of the night while I was up with my daughter and it is extremely difficult to follow. I had no idea where I had left off and the book seemed to jump around a lot. If you are interested in the methods outlined in this book you can simply do a google search on gentle sleep training methods and you will find the information easily.
Good read. This paired with the zen sleep sack has given me my sanity back! 🙌 My LO is still waking up 2x a night to nurse, but I can deal with that. No more fighting me and fighting sleep! Wish I would have read before it got so bad. I definitely recommend the sleep sack too.
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